Legal Information

Topics: Copyright, Reference to CAMS-Knee, Responsibility for Links, Legal Permissions, Liability Exclusion

For all non-commercial applications you are allowed to use the videos, screenshots of the videos, or numerical data as long as you reference the CAMS-Knee project. You are allowed to use a clipping of this material. You are not allowed to change the original content of any material but may present processed scientific results.

It is not permitted to provide access to CAMS-Knee videos or CAMS-Knee data files from other data bases.

If any content from is to be used in a commercial application, direct written permission from the coordinators of the CAMS-Knee project is required.

Reference to Cams-Knee
If you intend to use CAMS-Knee data in your own publications, please check carefully the guidelines of your publisher regarding internet references!

Taylor W.R., Schütz P., Bergmann G., List R., Postolka B., Hitz M., Dymke J., Damm P., Duda G., Gerber H., Schwachmeyer V., Hamed Hosseini Nasab S., Trepczynski A., Kutzner I.; A Comprehensive Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System: The CAMS-Knee Data Set; Journal of Biomechanics 2017;;

More detailed information regarding citations to the specific technologies can be found under the publications tab.

Responsibility for Links
Despite careful monitoring, we are not liable for the contents of external links. We have no influence on the current and future contents of linked web pages. We hereby explicitly distance ourselves from all changes in content as performed after establishment of the respective link. The operators of linked web pages bear exclusive responsibility for their contents.

Legal Permissions (clinical studies)
The safety of all instrumented implants was approved by the legal authorities responsible. The ethics committee of our universities (Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin and ETH Zürich) has approved all Clinical Studies. All patients gave their written informed consent for pseudonymised publication of their data and images.

Liability Exclusion
The coordinators of the CAMS-Knee project, and all of their co-workers apply the necessary care required to make the CAMS-Knee database as user-friendly and secure as possible, in order to uphold the integrity of the data contained. We do not accept any liability or provide any guarantee in connection with the use of the data. We are not liable for any direct or indirect losses or damage, of any kind, which may arise through the use of this data.

Last changes: October 17, 2017

We thank all patients for their kind and enthusiastic cooperation and finally those companies which sponsor the CAMS-Knee project.